Aware of the environment issues and of the current competitive context, CAP GENERATEUR is committed to controlling the environmental impacts and to this end, is embarking on an integrated management approach. The greening of economy encourages us to commit to a sustainable development approach, our goal being to obtain the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications.

Our engagements are both ethical and related to the health and safety at work of our colleagues, when choosing our suppliers and partners, while ensuring our clients optimal quality in order to improve our procedures. The awareness and involvement of our staff in our approach is essential in our process.


It is through the quality of our support, our work and our behaviour that our customers have confidence in us. Listening and respecting needs are essential to obtain the satisfaction and loyalty of our customers. We adapt our offer to their needs and expectations as soon as possible while providing special attention to the choice of raw materials and products used.


We involve all our employees so that they can take part in the certification process that has just been undertaken. This strong involvement of our employees, who are authentic actors, contributes to the optimization of our voluntary approach while developing the entrepreneurial spirit. Respect for the protection of the physical integrity of our employees is paramount and aims to limit the occurrence of accidents as much as possible.


The close collaboration with our carefully selected suppliers allows us to better meet the needs of our customers. The environmental approach is an important criterion in the choice of our suppliers and partners. WE encourage all suppliers to commit themselves, as we do, to a sustainable development approach.


Our social and environmental commitment is highlighted from the design and/or selection to commissioning of our products. Reliability being an essential value, we prefer certified and proven products in harmony with current standards and conditions of use depending on the regions or countries concerned. We attach particular importance to the quality of our products in order to ensure the best possible service to our clients.


The constant improvement of our organizational process allows us to provide total satisfaction to our customers : listening, analyzing requests, checking technical feasibility, site constraints, meeting deadlines and applying safety instructions.


Sensitive to the external communication of our achievements and services, we share our field of experiences with the actors of the company’s life. We build and maintain strong links with our customers, employees, suppliers and partners while engaging in solidarity actions with certain associations.